Thursday, 3 March 2016

Swindling is not new for the field of Gemstones and Jewellery. Treatments on gemstones are usually done for enhancing their colour, clarity and beauty, ultimately to get their price hike. Such activities elevates the necessity of laboratories in the trade, which can bring pellucidity in the market to maintain fair and unbiased business standards.

Such enhancements are acceptable as far as these are disclosed while selling the gemstone. Motive of fetching undue monetary profit from gemstone, without ethical discloser, demands the deal to be stated as fraudulent. Now cheaters are not mere focusing on the treatments, which are limited to the gemstones but are keen to encash the name of renowned laboratories fraudulently. Notorious people are doctoring gemological laboratory’s gemstone reports as per their whims. Also found to be doing laser inscription of renowned laboratory’s logo with original report numbers on synthetic materials to earn money fraudulently.

Few of such scams were witnessed in IGI-GTL, Delhi.

IGI-GTL, Delhi received a red color stone in routine testing, which was identified as Synthetic Ruby after gemological analysis. At receiving the report customer owning that stone furiously created scene and threatened to complaint about the laboratory in the police for releasing false report of a Natural Ruby which is worth lakhs. In support of his statement, he showed a report of GTL, Jaipur (GJEPC’s Jaipur lab), according to which the stone was certified to be a Natural Ruby. As per the photograph and other details stone was appearing to be same, which was reported to be synthetic from IGI-GTL, Delhi. Next day GTL, Jaipur was contacted and copy of the certificate presented by the customer was shared, to know its authenticity. It was found that the report was released from GTL, Jaipur but conclusion and comments were not the same as were claimed by the client. After getting the original report’s copy from GTL, Jaipur, it was noticed that doctoring/tempering has been done in the conclusion and comment section of the stated report.

Report presented by Client claiming its stone to be reported as Natural from GTL, Jaipur

Copy of Genuine report received from GTL, Jaipur

In other instance, IGI-GTL received two tinted white stones in routine testing, which were identified as Synthetic Moissanite after gemmological analysis. Under the magnification it was observed that both of the stones were having laser inscription on their girdle. Laser inscriptions were found to be resembling GIA laser inscription. Report numbers mentioned in the laser inscription were GIA6202358429 and GIA2207434207. When further these GIA report number were verified from GIA site, they were found to be pertaining to Natural Diamonds weighing almost same to these Synthetic Moissanites. With ill motive seller got these Synthetic Moissanites to be laser inscribed with the report number of GIA (Gemological Institute of America), to misrepresent them as Natural Diamonds.

Laser inscription on Synthetic Moissanite

Laser inscription on Synthetic Moissanite

Laser inscription done on Natural Diamond by GIA
(Photo taken from GIA website)

In next instance, IGI-GTL laboratory got a call from a customer to verify a report of a Natural Sapphire released from IGI-GTL, Delhi. Customer send a photograph of the report for verification. It was observed that someone has done doctoring in comment section of the report. As per the IGI-GTL, Delhi record, original report released from the laboratory has commented “Indications of heating are observed”. But the report furnished by the customer was having comment that “Indications no heating are observed”. It was observed that Hologram of IGI-GTL was also detrimental. Gemstones having no indications of heating are expensive with comparison to the gemstones with heating indications, to get increase in its market value owner of the gemstone got the report tempered.

Copy of report presented by client to check its authenticity 

Genuine report issued by IGI-GTL, Delhi
Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Meenakshi Chauhan
Indian Gemological Institute - Gem Testing Laboratory
Jhandewalan, Delhi
(Project of GJEPC)